So, drawing number 1 is an updated ver of Greyarms' arm form the last blog entry. Nothing special.
So number 2 is just to get a bit of a feel for his sword. Lot's of ff13 influence. This will be more like an assault rifle. I need more gun studies.
The Third is based on characters created by Derek J. Goodman and I created. Stonehammer and Moonlit Cassie. Link for Dereks' story 'Casts A Demon Shadow is here----> http://dunesteef.com/2009/12/17/page-81-casts-a-demon-shadow-by-derek-j-goodman/ Awesome story and good fun. It's an audio fiction blog with the works. This was used as the cover piece for the story. Number 4 is just a bunch of hands inspired by artist Ryan Benjamin. Awesome artist, very positive influence in this negative world. His link is http://pancratia.com/ very cool imagery. That's all, I'm done.....not I kinda forgot to mention the random alien.