Monday, August 16, 2010

Time for an update. While I have more images scanned The other ones will have to wait just a bit linger before I put them into play.
The last 2 months have been rather odd. More hands and actual feet this time. Gotta practice all the technical stuff which takes up just as much time as anything else I do. I'll post some more interesting images next time. Maybe that unfinished pencilled foot will be finished as well.


  1. These are awesome. I love the hands. Great improvements!

  2. Thanks man, they all are refrenced from someone. One day it wont be that way though. Hahahaaa! I still can't get into your blog. WTHeck???

  3. There is a nerd-reference that comes to mind, but the source escapes me. Still, "Progress, Iiiiii am making progress!"

    Good work. The clenched hand on the lower left looks particularly sinister.
