Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Accoustic Assasin. Hoping to color this one soon.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Just a random face used for the sole purpose of practicing with copic markers.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New marker usage

So my wife bought me a kickass set of markers. It's a figuredrawing wallet set. Nifty for trying to achieve depth with skintone moving forwarward with my art. The neckline shading leaves something to be desired. Better luck next time.

Egaaads!! A new update!

It's about time I got off my rear to post something. I been spending most of my drawing time trying to color with markers. It's high time I do a bit more than just dabble with these confounded contraptions. Here are a few of my blunders into that realm with the older markers I have. I'll be uploading better scans of these images later, tried something new with the editing features of the software. The images are more grainy grainy than what I intended them to be.